Osteopathie Welt

by Fulton Akademie GmbH

News & Magazines


The "Osteopathy World" was created to inform you about the transformative power of this modern, holistic form of therapy and to give you valuable insights into the world of osteopathy so that you can optimize your health in a holistic way. Founded by Andrew Taylor Still, osteopathy has developed over the last few decades into a groundbreaking form of therapy that looks at people in their entirety. It opens up new paths and creates space for integrative healthcare that focuses on the bodys self-healing powers. The basic idea of ​​osteopathy is that the body is viewed as a unit in which all structures and systems are interconnected. According to Stills credo, the osteopath should seek health in people by identifying blockages and restrictions in the tissue and gently correcting them. Because health is much more than the absence of illness. Osteopathy encourages us to consciously deal with our body, our emotions and our lifestyle. By specifically supporting the self-healing powers, the foundation is created through which the body can find its natural balance again. But osteopathy cannot stand alone. It is part of a larger whole, a vision of health that goes far beyond individual forms of therapy. Integrative healthcare that includes all aspects of the person – physical, mental and emotional – is the key to sustainable, holistic health. The “Osteopathie Welt” is published every three months, as a print magazine (17,500 copies), app (OsteoMag) and online. It is the official membership magazine of the Associations of Free Osteopaths e.V. (VFO), Independent Alternative Practitioners e.V. (VUH), Free Alternative Practitioners and Naturopaths Switzerland